Home » Aid projects
Thanks to your donations, meaningful projects can continue to be realized. Please read about the latest development progress 2021 / 2022 in the corresponding newsletters - Thank you very much!
What Earth C-Air has been able to do so far:
Your donations are in good hands. The help on the spot arrives. Earth C-Air has been allowed to realise various buildings or complete several medical missions in the last few years. Now we are facing a new, big challenge: we are building the health centre in Khorlabesi.
The help in Nepal arrives. With your donation two more schools could be rebuilt by Earth C-Air after the devastating earthquakes. The annual health camps were held in various remote villages. The knowledge and skills of the mountain rescuers are becoming increasingly mature.
Shortly after the devastating earthquakes in Nepal a team of Earth C-Air is on site. The extent of the destruction remains unforgotten. We decide to help immediately. In order to ensure that the relief and development work is coordinated, we are founding the association Earth C-Air and the non-profit NGO Earth C-Air in Nepal.
Walliser Kantonalbank
Kontoinhaber: Earth C-Air
Kontonummer: 102.864.79.10
Bezeichnung des Konto: Klubkonto
IBAN: CH47 0076 5001 0286 4791 0
Postcheck Nr.: 19-81-6
Clearing Nr.: 765
Verein Earth C-Air
Spissstrasse 107
CH-3920 Zermatt
Bruno Jelk:
Gerold Biner: