Home » Donations
Poverty shapes the lives of countless people in Nepal. Many suffer from a lack of supplies. While we associate breathtaking mountains with Nepal, we forget that Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world. With your donation we give the people of Nepal a chance.
Currently, donations are mainly used for the medical equipment of the hospital. The medical centre urgently needs a laboratory, a dental facility and much more. In order to provide basic medical care for the entire population in the northern region of Gorkha, further technical-medical installations are needed.
We guarantee that the help arrives. Earth C-Air does volunteer work without any compensation.
The unavoidable expenses, such as reimbursement of expenses for specialists and helpers, amount to considerably less than 10 percent of the total donation volume. Your donation benefits the needy inhabitants. To achieve this goal, we work together with sincere partners and our own NGO in Nepal.
Our aid organisation is tax exempted.
Verein Earth C-Air
Spissstrasse 107
CH-3920 Zermatt
Walliser Kantonalbank
Account holder: Earth C-Air
Account number: 102.864.79.10
Account name: Klubkonto
IBAN: CH47 0076 5001 0286 4791 0
Postcheck Nr.: 19-81-6
Clearing Nr.: 765
Nepal belongs to the poorest countries in the world!
Every donation counts! Helping is a matter of trust and honour. Thank you.
Walliser Kantonalbank
Kontoinhaber: Earth C-Air
Kontonummer: 102.864.79.10
Bezeichnung des Konto: Klubkonto
IBAN: CH47 0076 5001 0286 4791 0
Postcheck Nr.: 19-81-6
Clearing Nr.: 765
Verein Earth C-Air
Spissstrasse 107
CH-3920 Zermatt
Bruno Jelk:
Gerold Biner: